The variety
of media technology available today makes communication with a wide variety of
audiences much easier. Since different types of audiences respond to
different types of media, it is important to communicate using various forms of
media technology. Using several forms of
media technology versus only one allows the communicator to potentially reach a
much greater audience base than they would if they were only to use one
type. While any kind of media technology
can be used to reach any type of audience, there are typically certain types of
media that are better suited to reach a particular audience. Four media
technologies that exist today include, written media, the internet and social
media, radio, and audio/visual media.
Written media can include any written communication such as newspapers,
brochures or magazines. Written communication such as newspapers or magazines
are typically more well-received by audiences who prefer this media to newer
electronic media. These audiences may include people who were born and
grew up before the mainstream use of computers in households such as the
baby-boomer generation. Of course that is not to say that a younger
generation does not read the newspaper, but I believe the majority of the
younger generation tends to prefer an electronic form of media since that is
what they are used to. Many members of
the baby-boomer generation or the generations before computers still do not own
a computer. Or, if they do own a
computer, they may not be as technically savvy as the younger generations that
were born in this digital age. Many baby
boomers, or even people from my own generation still prefer to print a document
and read it, or they prefer physically holding a book or newspaper in their
hand versus reading something on a computer screen.
The internet and social media technologies have truly taken the
world by storm and are now some of the most widely used media technologies
today. Again, this media can and is used by every type of audience but is
generally favored by the generations that grew up learning how to use computers
and the internet as they are more tech savvy and are used to the electronic
forms of media. This form of media
can and is often tailored to meet any number of audiences. Since nearly anyone can create and manage a
webpage, it is easier to create a page that appeals to any type of
audience. However, even though it has
become easier to reach any type of audience through use of the internet and
social media, it is apparent that this media technology is favored more by a
younger generation. The baby boomer
generation and other generations that did not grow up with computers in their
homes and schools are not as quick as the younger generations to turn to
computers or social media for their news or other information. The younger generations however, are
accustomed to electronic media and have more technical savvy generally so they
are quick to turn to the internet and social media first. Another aspect that brings more of the
younger generation to the internet and social media is the fact that people in
general today, are more spread out than ever before. Younger audiences are increasingly moving
away from home and are separated by more distance today than in the past. Because of this increased and often prolonged
distance from friends and loved ones, more and more young people find that they
are able to stay in real-time contact with their loved ones through the
internet and social media.
Radio is another universal form of media. Everyone listens to the radio
at some point in the day and sometimes, the radio can be the best way to find
out what’s going on locally in a person’s area. While the radio can be
used and is used to an extent by every type of audience, typically it is
favored by the same audiences that favor written media like newspapers.
Audio/visual media such as television, podcast, videos and CD’s can be tailored
to reach any type of audience. Television may be geared to any audience,
however it is clear certain programming on television is geared towards senior
citizens such as the influx of commercials for medications and healthcare
related products. Certain audio/visual aids may receive a better response
from a younger audience in certain situations.
For instance, I have found that when trying to teach a younger audience
such as my students about a very technical subject, using a visual aid is an
extremely effective way of solidifying their understanding of the subject. This may perhaps be because they are used to being
bombarded by technology and visuals.
They are also used to immediate connectivity and instant gratification. As Marc Pensky states in his article Digital Immigrants, Digital Natives, “Today’s
average college grads have spent less than 5,000 hours of their lives reading,
but over 10,000 hours playing video games (not to mention 20,000 hours watching
TV). Computer games, email, the Internet, cell phones and instant messaging are
integral parts of their lives.” (Pensky, 2001, p. 1) Because of this familiarity with all things
digital that is almost quite literally ingrained in the younger generations,
these younger audiences, or digital natives, as Pensky refers to them, “think
and process information fundamentally differently than their predecessors.”
(Pensky, 2001, p. 1) Younger audiences are not captivated by the classic
lecture and reading, they learn and receive information differently than
generations past.
M., (2001). Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants.