Monday, June 18, 2012


            The Linked-In Website has been described as a sort of Facebook for the professional community.  It is a professional networking site used to link professionals together online so they can keep up with professional contacts they have made over time as well as keep current with any job market developments. 

            This site can be especially helpful to anyone looking to stay connected within the professional community.  I have known people personally who have used this site to make contacts for new careers.  The Linked-In Website states that “Your LinkedIn profile is your chance to showcase your skills and talents and help the right people and opportunities find their way to you.  As your professional representation online, you can set it to be discoverable through the millions of searches on leading search engines and on LinkedIn.”  (Linkedin, 2012).  With this website they were able to create a profile that details their job skills and qualifications and make this profile available to potential employers.   The Linkedin site also has thousands of job listings as well so members can search for and share their profiles with potential employers.

            I believe this site is effective because it affords professionals greater opportunities to expand their job searches beyond just their local geographic location.  They can know reach out to others in the professional community all over the world through this site.  The people that I have known to use this site had great success with their networking and job searches.  They were able to post their resumes online to this site and made new contacts with potential employers who may not have otherwise seen their resume. 


Linkedin, (2012). Retrieved May 24, 2012 from:

Career Fields for Communications Majors

A Communications Studies major can open the door to several challenging and rewarding career opportunities.  Some of the careers include: Human Resources Specialist (HRS), Publicist, Journalist, and Copywriter.

Human Resources Specialist  
According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics website Human resources specialists recruit, screen, interview, and place workers. They also may handle human resources work in a variety of other areas, such as employee relations, payroll and benefits, and training. (Bureau of Labor and Statistics, 2012)  They are responsible for hiring new employees and in some unfortunate circumstances, they are also responsible for firing of employees.  A human resources specialist also fields any employee issues or concerns with their pay, training, or employee disputes.  The median salary for an HRS is $52,609 per year.  According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics site the lowest 10 percent of workers earned less than $29,050, and the top 10 percent earned more than $93,260.  The growth rate for this field is expected at 21 percent over the next 10 years; faster than average for all occupations.  (Bureau of Labor and Statistics, 2012).  

A publicist, also commonly referred to as a Public Relations Specialist produces and manages publicity for a client.  They are responsible for maintaining a favorable public image for their client.  They also often are responsible for writing press releases, and fundraising campaigns for their client or employers.  The median average salary for a public Relations Specialist is $52,090.  This field has an expected growth of 23 percent over the next 10 years.  Typically a Publicist is required to possess a Bachelor’s degree at minimum.  Training is typically done on the job for many public relations specialists while managers must already possess a few years of public relations experience.  

Journalists sometimes referred to as correspondents, broadcast news analysts, or reporters, report on current news and happenings on a local, national, or even international level.  They may write news scripts to be read on the air, in magazines or in newspapers, and they also update news stories as they become available. Journalists may often have to write a story for print media as well as online publication since many news agencies also maintain a website as well.  Journalists may also work on a freelance basis in which they are paid per story by a news agency.  In this case their work is often purchased and published by several agencies rather than just one.  The median average salary for a broadcast news analyst is $54,140 while the median average salary for a reporter or correspondent is $34,530.  A Bachelor’s degree in journalism or communications is typically the requirement to work as a journalist.  Along with the education requirement, employers also like to see that the prospective employee has prior work experience in the field either through an internship or through college.  The reporters and correspondent fields are actually expected to shrink by about 8 percent while the broadcast news analyst field is expected to grow by 10 percent over the next 10 years.   The field of journalism, broadcasting and/or freelance writing has been of particular interest to me over the years.  I love to read the news and stay on top of what is going on in the world and my local community.  I’m somewhat of a snoop and like to know what’s going on around me so staying abreast of local news and being able to share that information for a living sounds like a very rewarding line of work.  Also, as a freelance writer I would be able to write stories and articles on a vast array of subjects that I am passionate about like travelling and food and have these stories published.  

A copywriter, sometimes referred to as a content writer, is a type of writer who helps a client promote the sale of a good or service.  They do this in several ways including assisting them in producing sales pitches, slogans, or advertising themes.  They may produce any number of media to assist in advertising and selling a product such as brochures, scripts and press releases.  The average median salary for this field is $55,420 and the field expects a growth of 6 percent over the next 10 years.  This is slower than the average for all occupations according to the BLS website.

Bureau of Labor Statistics [Data Base]. (n.d.). Retrieved May 31, 2012 from Bureau of Labor
            Statistics website:‌home.htm

What Makes a Good Blog?

            There are many ways for people to express themselves.  Many choose to express their ideas through various mediums such as art, music, photography, and even writing.  Today, thanks to advancements in internet technology, there is a new way that so many people are choosing to share their ideas with the world; the web log or blog as it is most often referred to.  According to, “A blog is a personal diary.  A daily pulpit.  A collaborative space.  A political soapbox.  A breaking-news outlet.  A collection of links.  Your own private thoughts. Memos to the world.  Your blog is whatever you want it to be. There are millions of them, in all shapes and sizes, and there are no real rules.”  (, 2012)
            It used to be that creating a website or blog was only for professionals or people with certain skills.  However, due to the many advancements in the internet and technology, these feats are now a possibility for anyone and everyone.  For those with a desire to express themselves, creating a blog can be a fantastic way to share their interests or passions with others.  However, while anyone can create a blog, there are some general guidelines to follow in order to create a successful blog.  According to Michael Martin’s article “Seven Elements to Make Your Blog Look Great”, there are certain general guidelines for content, color, structure, balance, and functionality that will help the author catch and keep the audience’s attention and hopefully have them return to the blog.  (Martin, 2012)
            Using the blog guidelines, students were able to review and provide constructive criticisms of each other’s blogs.  The blogs that I reviewed were: The Expert Witness Communicator by William Gulya:; 400 Years by William K:; and The Power of Positivity by Martha Sanchez:
The URL for my blog named Communication Today is  On the Expert Witness Communicator blog, my recommendations were to spread the content around the page for a little bit better balance.  The author had the current post in the center of the page and then all other content was off to the right of the page only.  According to Martin’s article, he states that the weight of the different areas on the page should be equal.  If they are not, the page will look unbalanced, causing the viewer’s eyes to focus only on one portion of the page.  (Martin, 2012)   For the 400 Years blog I recommended a few suggestions to help improve the blog.  The purpose of the blog was not quite clear from the title.  I recommended either giving the blog a new name or expounding on why it has its current name.  I also suggested including more content on the blog such as some of the written works from this or past courses since there was almost no content on the blog.  Finally, I recommended adding more information to the author profile and a nice picture in the header to add some flair to the design.  The Power of Positivity was the last blog I reviewed.  This blog had a very fitting and soothing background photo.  The sky and ocean scene in the background really puts the reader at ease and makes them want to continue reading.  Having content such as a soothing or aesthetically pleasing photo is very helpful to creating a successful blog that will have readers want to come back for more.   My suggestion for the blog was to possibly add some tabs up top or on the side to take the reader to other parts of the blog like a section for links to sites that correspond with the blog, or a link to books that the author enjoyed pertaining to communication and positive thinking. 
            Helping other students improve their blogs by providing them with constructive criticism will also be very helpful to me in improving my blog as well.  Providing constructive feedback for other students allowed me to stop and look at what guidelines I could incorporate into my blog to improve it.  For instance, my current header photo is not really related to the content of the professional communications blog so I will find a more content appropriate photo to include in the header.  I would also like to include a more professional looking profile photo to fit the content of the blog.  Finally, while I love the current color scheme of my blog, I have been considering a change of color scheme to something more muted to make the blog feel and look more professional.  Another option that was recommended by another student is to keep the current color scheme but fill in the extra pink space with content to provide more balance to the blog. 
            Creating a blog can be a great way to share one’s ideas and feelings with the world or with a specific audience.  A blog can be whatever the author wants it to be; either a news source, a discussion forum, or simply an online diary for the author to share ideas. With the use of some simple guidelines for content, balance, structure and functionality, the author can be sure to create a page that will catch and maintain the attention of their desired audience. 

References (2012)  Retrieved June 11, 2012 from:
Gulya, W. (2012).  The Expert Witness Communicator. Retrieved June 11, 2012 from:
 Kincheloe, W. (2012).  400 Years.  Retrieved June 11, 2012 from:
Martin, M. (2008).  7 Elements to make your blog look good. Retrieved May 21, 2012
Sanchez, M. (2012).  The Power of Positivity.  Retrieved June 11, 2012 from: